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Most Treatments Are Scams... I'm Talking to You MigraineX

Alright, you guessed it... I caved and have officially gone off the deep end. With all of these magical "cures" that exist for the incurable migraine, I fell for one.

Oh how convincing this story begins. Let me introduce you to MigraineX, a set of earplugs that have been specially designed to twist into your ears to help reduce the effects brought on by changes in barometric pressure.

Now that's what got me. Barometric pressure. It's snowing in April and has been since April started. (It's the 18th and there's a foot and a half of snow outside and my head is actually spinning from the amount of pressure shifts and storm systems that have rocked my world these past few weeks).

So I caved. I purchased a single set of MigraineX and Wild Thera Headcool Balm (I'll touch on this later).

MigraineX is consumer proven, even though they are often mentioned as clinically proven. When asked for clinical test results, they only can provide testimonials. These brightly colored purple earplugs are nothing to rave about. They don't cancel out an ounce of noise... even though they are supposed to reduce noise by 20 decibels.

The app is really convenient. It tells you when pressure will be changing and approximately the time. However, it also states that you may want to keep your migrainex on hand and that you should use them alongside your abortive.


You can't advertise "fast natural migraine relief" if one of your qualifiers is that it needs to be used alongside your regular medication.

But oh it's only $11.99 on Amazon. So I wasted a few bucks (my moms bucks but still bucks regardless). But what if I told you that there are roughly 37 MILLION migraine sufferers in America alone. Lets do some math why don't we. This SCAM has the potential to eat up $444 MILLION of peoples hard earned cash. People who are desperately looking for some sort of natural relief. Even if less that 10% of migraine sufferers purchase this product, the company who developed it will make a fortune.

In addition to the product not working, it is painful. The directions for inserting them aren't very in depth... not even a visual is provided. But you twist them into your ears and after about 20 to 30 minutes you should be feeling better. They are best used if you can nap or catch the migraine at the first signs.

Chronic migraine doesn't have first signs because chronic migraine doesn't really ever end. My current migraine has been dragging on since September...

But now that I have sore ears, and no relief from my migraine, I hate myself for being douped into this useless scam.

.... but on a positive note, let me introduce you to headcool balm by Wild Thera - also purchased on Amazon for $14.99.

About the product
  • CONCENTRATED NON-GMO HERBAL BALM. A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY. NO WATER, NO ALCOHOL, NO CHEMICALS OR STABILIZERS. Herbal Rub with Aromatherapy Benefits. No petroleum by-products, No Harmful Preservatives, No Parabens, No PCB, No Sulfates, No Toluene, No Artificial Colors, No Artificial Fragrances.
  • SAFE & EFFECTIVE INGREDIENTS like Organic Chamomile, Organic Lavender, Organic Eucalyptus, Organic Rosemary and more. Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Almond & Castor Oil of the highest purity and Beeswax deliver targeted benefits.
  • NON-HABIT FORMING. Our blend of traditional herbs creates an effect that is Non-Toxic and No Harsh Side Effects.
  • COOLS, SOOTHES & CALMS with healthy and natural oils, essential oils and herbs while helping you feel comfortable fast. Can be combined for Holistic Health with Acupuncture, Acupressure, Cold Headband, Neck Pillow, Neck Massager, Yoga, Massage Oil, Massage Roller, Stress Inhaler, Natural Headache Relief Solutions, Stress Ball, Stress Relief Ball, Essential Oil Diffuser, Deep Tissue Massager, Heat Packs, Headache Patch & Migraine Glasses.
  • MADE IN THE USA. NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS. We offer a variety of Natural & Organic Herbal Balms. 
As the website puts it, is how it is. I've used it probably about 6 times now and you can't even tell that I've opened it - so it'll last a long time. My first use, I don't think I used enough as it didn't do much, but as I reapplied I could feel the cool sensation.
It works great. It may not make my migraine go away, but it definitely works to soothe my facial and neck muscles, while simultaneously calming me down. 
So far this balm has helped me get home and ease the tension in my eyebrows to allow me to see for a half hour drive through the messy, bright snow, and helped me fall asleep even with a throbbing head. 
Now for my final review, I'm taking on essential oils. I have this off brand (and by off brand I mean I got it at Walgreens and the reviews are horrible, but I beg to differ) frankincense. Now, mind you, the bad reviews are all a few years old and they may have made improvements to the product. But my frankincense is a lifesaver, especially when I just need to go to sleep. And it only cost me about $20 compared to DoTerra's frankincense which can be around $75. 
After much research, I decided to add a Eucalyptus oil to my (very small) collection. I haven't used it and it smells a bit woody, but perhaps tomorrow I will try it out.
I'd love to hear what type of products y'all have come across and what works, what doesn't, and what is a complete scam. 


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