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Gifts Made With Love

With the holidays upon us and everyone frantically running around trying to find last minute gifts, I invite you all to pause.

Think for a minute about the best gift you've ever received.

I'm sure it wasn't an apple watch or big TV or a coffee mug from Target.

Those gifts that we remember often have some sort of sentimental value. Its often times those items that we didn't put on our wishlist that make us smile the most.

The idea that hey, I saw this and I immediately thought of you, so I got this for you, warms our hearts. Because the season of giving isn't actually about the gifts, its about the thoughts that inspired them.

It's that small tradition each year where you get an ornament in your stocking, and it isn't about the ornament, but about hanging it on the tree, and for years to come you've got this collection of ornaments that serve as a wonderful memory.

So, when I ask you to pause, I want you to pause a little longer. Why are we digging through people's amazon wishlists hoping to find some sort of gift? Isn't that a little impersonal?

A few months ago, I stumbled across this community on Twitter that was full of young artists. I had never encountered such beautifully, hand wrapped pendants in my entire life, and here I was surrounded by hundreds of unique, almost all one of a kind pieces, that were available for purchase.

Some artists spent their days creating their product and had successfully started their own businesses in doing so, while others stayed up all night creating leaving them drowsy at work the next day. No matter the case, each artist had their own story and their own style. And most importantly, you could see how they put love and the admiration for their craft into every piece.

I wanted to take the time to get to know a few of my favorite artists, and then introduce them to you. I've found such amazing pieces for myself and continuously discover more artists every day. This holiday season, I hope you'll glance through their shops and find some one of a kind gifts and stocking stuffers perfect for the people in your life. And you can know that in finding that perfect piece of art or bath soak or jewelry, that you get to share this wonderful season with artists and family alike.

Radical Energies by Regan
Introducing Regan, founder of Radical Energies. Regan specializes in creating intricately wrapped pendants and recently launched two new collections showcasing nature inspired and galactic themed one of kind pendants. Here's her story: 

I grew up with an interest in anything art. As I got older, I lost my passion for art and lost my way. A little over four years ago I hit rock bottom and moved from Texas to Nevada to start a new. It was then I started rediscovering myself and passions. One day I went to a local crystal shop and saw a few wire wrapped pendants and I couldnā€™t stop thinking about how it was done and became obsessed with wanting to try it, especially since I grew up watching my mother and her mother make natural stone jewelry.

One day I bought some crystals and wire and I havenā€™t been able to stop since. It took me to another world. I enjoy creating all things art, but something about wire-wrapping just grabbed ahold of me and its become a way of expressing and releasing myself. In a huge way itā€™s been my saving grace. It helped me reconnect with myself and finally feel at peace with who I am. It all may seem silly to some, but itā€™s just something I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever stop doing.

I donā€™t even have words to describe how I feel when I get a new idea or I finish a creation. The whole process is like meditation to me. To know that others love my work and want to actually pay me to have something I created with my soul and hands is the most amazing and exhilarating feeling.

At the end of the day, Iā€™m just happy to do what I love. The whole business aspect has never been a big concern, but the fact that I am able to run my own small business because people enjoy what I do as well is the most heartwarming and soul touching thing about it all.

Gems of Artemis by Luna
Introducing Luna Maeve, founder of Etsy's boutique Gems of Artemis. Luna creates unique pairings of gemstones in her jewelry and has a large offering of jewelry sets perfect for gifts. She also expresses herself through her paintings that are also for sale in her shop. Custom pieces made with love are also available upon request. 

ā€œArt starts from the heart. Itā€™s uniqueness spreads, bringing different views and ideas that come from the hearts of othersā€

Flutterby Gems by @wasssupliz 
Introducing Liz, doer of many of things. Liz is a vibrant spirit who works in Real Estate, loves to dance, and creates incredibly unique wire wraps. For inquiries of what she currently has available, or for custom pieces you can reach her at @wasssupliz on Twitter and Instagram. Here's a little tidbit on what led her to where she is today:

Iā€™ve always been a dancer, having practice multiple times a week, competing at competitions, etc. I stopped dancing on a team almost two years ago and realized I no longer had a steady, creative outlet! Iā€™ve had a love for art and those who create it since the beginning of time.

One day, I was scrolling aimlessly through Pinterest and saw people wrapping crystals! It was crazy to me because I had recently gotten into stones and crystals and how the earth creates them and what their properties are! I saw it as a sign. That same day, I went to the store, grabbed minimal supplies and went to work. I tried new things, made some messy pieces, and eventually started to find my style! I made many pendants for my family, shared some photos on my Instagram and started to receive orders! I definitely did not expect things to grow as they did but I am so grateful.

I love creating these pieces and each one has so much love and passion poured into it. While Iā€™m wrapping, I forget all my stresses; I escape into a different world. Making art brings me so much joy and to be able to spread this joy to others is such a indescribable feeling! Thankful that the stars aligned and lead me in this direction! 
Lionheart Glassworks by Shannon Davis
Introducing Shannon Davis, a glass artist and family man. Shannon specializes in making jewelry, sculptures and large marbles. Each piece is incredibly unique and complex and makes for the perfect gift you can't find anywhere else. For more of his work, check out his Twitter: @lionheartglass

I felt driven to express myself through art since I was a child. When I discovered the the medium or glass I fell in love. It's all about the process of melting the glass and the possibility of shining light into people's lives for me.
Palace of Glitter by Monika
Introducing Monika, founder of Palace of Glitter. Monika specializes in all things that sparkle and has something for everyone! She offers unique earrings and necklaces along with homemade lip scrubs and of course, glitter! This is how Monika got her start:

I had my daughter at age 17, I got into making pressed glitters and jewelry making while I stayed home with my newborn! It could get boring at times being home all day with a baby that liked to do nothing but sleep. Eventually I stopped because I became tired and exhausted from working and taking care of an active 3 year old.

One random day my daughter found my glitter and we decided to sit down and make it together! We then started making lip scrubs & jewelry! My daughter loved it and still loves helping me to this day! It helped us get a little extra money, being a single mom was hard. I now have a caring boyfriend that helps us! We are hoping one day we will have enough money saved to move into a nice house with a nice backyard. I hope everyone enjoy our art we make & we will continue to make it! We appreciate all the support we get and how much it grows everyday!

Introducing Caitie, owner of PNW Stone Wraps. Caitie brings a soft touch and lightness to the world of wire wrapping. You'll notice her pieces are full of love and joy, and bring happiness to all who wear them. 

Create your own sunshine. I was in a dark place when I started wrapping, and it since it has brought so much joy to my life, through bringing joy to others! IT was something so close to home for me, because I've always collected rocks, and always been fascinated with crystals, and now it has a huge purpose in my life.

Mercury Trine
Introducing the shop Mercury Trine. If you're looking for unique oils, perfumes and bath products, this can be your one stop shop. My personal favorite is her Aqua Dolce Bath Soak. Her shop also chooses a charity each month to feature where proceeds from select products will go directly to the charity. In her words, here's what drove her to create this shop:

I started doing this because i felt driven to create things that were natural, but had a specific spiritual purpose being someone who is spiritual themselves. I wanted to make people feel good through my products as well as express my own love for plants and herbs.

Sunflower Souls by Becca

Introducing Becca Lynn owner of Sunflower Souls. Becca is one of those souls that just glows and her passion and creativity shine through in all of her pieces. Her shop offers a variety of handmade jewelry, home decor and a newly introduced clothing line. 

As Becca says: "I just want to help inspire others with my art and my brand."




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