In the dwindling hours of this year that could truly only be compared to a rollercoaster through hell, I have to sit back at least try to find a New Year's Resolution of sorts. Last year I decided that the actually concept is well, shitty to say the least, because goals that are made just to broadcast to the world aren't goals anyone will work through as a year progresses. But, the idea of a New Year's Theme seems much more applicable. 2018 was my year to be selfish, in all aspects of life. It was a year where I decided that no matter what, I would put myself first. When it came to having a space of my own even that would allow me to control every trigger and give me peace of mind, I chose to shove the constant criticism aside. I chose to acknowledge that either relationships would be strengthened, like that of my sister who I became even closer with after moving out, or relationships would be further strained, like that of my sister in-law who's negative e...